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Bojana Pjanović

  /  Bojana Pjanović

Bojana Pjanović

Bojana Pjanović

Phone: +381602244557



Bojana Pjanović was born on December 9, 1990, in Ivanjica, where she finished elementary school. She finished “Gymnasium” in Čačak in 2009,  when she enrolled in the study program Spatial Planning at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Geography. She completed her undergraduate studies in 2013, when defended her graduate thesis on the topic: “Planning theory: A critical review of the dominant planning models in 21st century and proposed reconstruction”, with a grade of 10. In the same year, she enrolls in master studies in spatial planning and completes it within the prescribed period with an average grade of 10, with the defense of a master’s thesis, entitled: “Land use planning in the Municipality of Ivanjica”.  Doctoral studies of Geosciences at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Geography, she enrolled in 2014. After that, she received a scholarship from the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development. Based on that, she has been engaged in the project Problems and tendencies of the development of geospatial systems of the Republic of Serbia (evidence No. OI 176017). From 30.04.2018. continues to participate in this project as a research associate. Since the beginning of the winter semester in 2014, she has been hired as an associate at the Department of Spatial Planning. She was elected assistant in 2020. So far, she has participated in several conferences and scientific gatherings in the country and abroad, which has resulted in published papers. In July 2017, she participated in the AESOP PhD Workshop – Spaces of Dialogue for Places of Dignity: Challenges for Planning Research, University of Aveiro, Department of Social, Political and Territorial Sciences, Portugal, where she had the opportunity to present the results of previous research for the needs of her doctoral dissertation. In scientific research, it is mostly focused on research, application, and improvement of methods in spatial planning, but also on the study of land use planning at the local level concerning the specific (institutional, social, and economic) context of space.

Awards and honours

  • 2014. године – Награда за најбољи завршни рад на студијској групи просторно планирање
  • 2015. година – Награда за најбољи мастер рад на студијској групи просторно планирање

Membership in foreign and domestic associations

  • Member of the Serbian Spatial Planners Association
  • Member of the Serbian Geographical Society
  • Member of the AESOP Young Academics Network
  1. Dabović, T., Djordjević, D., Poledica, B., Radović, M., Jeftić, R. M. (2019). Compliance with social requirements for integrated local land use planning in Serbia, European Planning Studies, doi: 10.1080/09654313.2019.1658720
  2. Đorđević, D., Dabović, T., Poledica, B. (2017). The Justification of the subject planning history, Bulletin of the Serbian geographical society, 97, 2, 65-85. doi: 10.2298/GSGD1702065D
  3. Poledica, B. (2013). Planning theory: A critical review of the dominant planning models in 21st century and proposed reconstruction. Bulletin of the Serbian geographical society, 93(3), 45-72. doi: 10.2298/GSGD1303045P
  4. Ђорђевић, Д., Дабовић, Т., Поледица Б. (2015). Просторно планирање између социоекономске динамике и политичко-административне инерције. У Зборник радова 4. Српског конгреса географа (Књига 2), 191-197. Београд: Универзитет у Београду Географски факултет.
  5. Poledica, B., Dabović, T., Djordjević, D., (2019). SCENARIOS IN LOCAL LAND USE PLANNING IN SERBIA: POSSIBLE TOOL FOR IMPROVING ACCESS TO BASIC RESOURCES. Abstract Book of 32nd Annual AESOP Congress PLANNING FOR TRANSITION, Venice, Italy, July 9-13, p. 470.
  6. Dabović, T., Djordjević, D., Poledica, B. (2018). BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN SAYING AND MAKING SPACES OF HOPE: THE CASE OF SERBIA. Abstract Book of 31st Annual AESOP Congress MAKING SPACE FOR HOPE, Gothenburg, Sweden, July 10-14, p. 253.
  7. Dabović, T., Đorđević, D., Poledica, B. (2017, 11-14 July). TEACHING PLANNING THEORY AS A SPACE FOR DIALOGUE … BETWEEN PLANNERS. In Marques da Costa et al. (Eds.). (2017). SPACES OF DIALOG FOR PLACES OF DIGNITY: Fostering the European Dimension of Planning. 30th Annual AESOP Congress, Lisbon, Portugal.
  8. Poledica, B., Dabović, T., Đorđević, D. (2019). Metod scenarija u planiranju i upravljanju prirodnim dobrima. U Filipović, D., Šećerov, V., Lukić, B., Radosavljević, Z., Marić, M. (eds.) (2019). PLANSKA I NORMATIVNA ZAŠITA ŽIVOTNE SREDINE (Zbornik radova), 219-225. Beograd: Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, Univerzitet u Beogradu Geografski fakultet. ISBN 978-86-6283-074-6 (APPS)
  9. Poledica, B., Dabović, T., Đorđević, D. (2018). Uloga teritorijalnog kapitala u prostornom planiranju na lokalnom nivou u Srbiji. U Filipović, D. i dr. (Eds.) Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja, 295-303. Beograd: Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, Univerzitet u Beogradu Geografski fakultet.
  10. Đorđević, D., Dabović, T., Poledica, B. (2016). Uloga planera u lokalnoj upravi u novim okolnostima: profesionalizam nasuprot moći. U Filipović, D., Šećerov, V., Radosavljević, Z. (Eds.) Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja, 209-214. Beograd: Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, Univerzitet u Beogradu Geografski fakultet.