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Nevena Trnavčević

  /  Nevena Trnavčević

Nevena Trnavčević

Nevena Trnavčević

Phone: 381605235750Е



Nevena Trnavčević was born on January 25, 1993 in Belgrade. She finished elementary and grammar school in Belgrade. She enrolled in the undegraduate studies of demography at the Faculty of Geography of the University of Belgrade in 2012/2013 and finished it with an average grade of 9.78. She defended her graduate thesis on the topic “Theoretical understandings of ethnic identity in the methodological solutions of the census of the population of Serbia and France” in 2016 with an average grade of 10 and thus acquired the title of graduate demographer. She enrolled in the master’s studies of demography in the 2016/2017, and defended her master’s thesis “The third demographic transition in Serbia – a theoretical concept or a certain ethnodemographic change” in 2017 with an average grade of 10 and earned the title of master demographer. During her master’s studies, she participated in a student exchange program with Belgorod State University in Russia. In the 2017/2018, she enrolled in doctoral studies at the Faculty of Geography. She expresses her scientific research interest primarily in the field of demography.

From 2016/2017 by the decision of the Teaching-Scientific Council of the Faculty of Geography, she was elected a demonstrator in undergraduate studies within the Department of Demography. From 2018 to 2021, she was engaged in the project of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development “Research of demographic phenomena in the function of public policies in Serbia” (III 47006). During 2019, she was engaged in the project and the preparation of a study commissioned by the Cabinet of Ministers without a portfolio in charge of demography and population policy, and since 2020 she has been engaged in the MIGREC project (Horizon 2020). During 2021, she participated in the project Trajectories of reintegration: The impacts of displacement, migration and return on social change. She has participated in several scientific conferences in the country and abroad and has published several papers in domestic and international journals.

She has participated in several summer schools on migration organized by Group 484 and the International Center for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD). During 2021, she attended the Collective Leadership Institute (CLI) training.

Awards and honours

  • Scholarship of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development – student scholarship (2013–2015)
  • Student of the generation at the Department of Demography (2016)
  • Scholarship of the Fund for Young Talents – Ministry of Youth and Sports (2016–2017)
  • Scholarship of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development – scholarship for doctoral students (2018–2021)

Membership in foreign and domestic associations

  • Association of Demographers of Serbia
  1. Todorović, M. Javor, V. & Radić, N. (2021). Emigracioni potencijal mladih u Srbiji. Migracijske i etničke teme, 36, broj 2-3, 155-171 doi: 10.11567/met.36.2.2
  2. Knežević, A. Radić, N & Bakić, D. (2019). Ethno demographic aspects of population ageing in Eastern Serbia. In: Proceedings International Scientific Symposium New trends in Geography, (pp. 227-237). Ohrid-Skopje: Macedonian Geographical Societ. UDC: 314.113:323.12(497.11-11)
  3. Шантић, Д. Спасовски, М. Јакопин, Е. Девеџић, М. Антић, М. Кнежевић, А. Ђорђевић, А. Судимац Мрaтинковић, Д. Радић, Н. Ђуркин, Д. Јавор, В. Тодоровић, М. (2019). Истраживање ставова и намера становништва о пресељавању и утврђивање утицаја миграција на демографско старење у четири јединице локалне самоуправе, у циљу формулисања препорука за креирање мера популационе политике. Београд: Универзитет у Београду – Географски факултет. ISBN 978-86-6283-077-7
  4. Radić, N. Šantić, D. & Knežević, A. (2019). Stanovništvo kao faktor razvoja područja posebne namene Vlasina. U: Milinčić, M. Filipović, D. Šećerov, V. Marić, M. Zbornik radova Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine, (str. 451-458), Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Subotica-Palić
  5. Radić, N. & Bakić, D. (2018). Pseudo-kohortni pristup u analizi mortaliteta stanovništva Srbije – primeri i problemi. Demografija, 15, 19-32 doi:10.5937/demografja1815019R
  6. Radić, N. (2018). Valorizacija postojećih demografskih trendova i njihov značaj u prostornom planiranju – primer Kolubarskog i Mačvanskog upravnog okruga. U: Zbornik radova mladih istraživača Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja, (str. 37-42), Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Trebinje
  7. Bakić, D. & Radić, N. (2017). Demografski potencijali i ograničenja kao činilac u prostornom planiranju – primer planskog regiona Šumadijskog, Pomoravskog, Raškog i Rasinskog okruga. U: Zbornik radova mladih istraživača Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine, (str. 87-93), Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Subotica-Palić
  8. Knežević, A. & Radić, N. (2016). Kategorizacija etničkog identiteta u popisima stanovništva: Između teorijskih shvatanja i statističke prakse. Stanovništvo, 54(2), 59-81. doi: 10.2298/STNV161122010K